Page name: Library of the Shadows [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-12-15 20:21:40
Last author: Frost-:-Wing
Owner: Eyonic
# of watchers: 3
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Welcome and take a seat in the Library of Shadows. Rows upon rows of tomes and spell books line the shelves, most of them on the subject of the shadow arts, hence the name Library of the Shadows.

Poe set up teh spell, adn then walked through, stepping into the Library of shadows. She waited for the others to join her.

Cephas followed Poe into the portal and stood beside her in the Library of Shadows.

Pup moved through the portal and sighed. "Over there are the books you want to start with: shadow magic spells. Then you will want to go over to the vampiric history perhaps and then the Tomes of Blood." She pointed out each of the areas as she said the names.

Poe walked around the library, running her fingers along the scrolls and books. “I haven’t been in here for forever.” She breathed in the scent of the old tomes. She pulled a scroll off of the shelf and sat down to read it.

Cephas went over to a shelf that read "Shadow magic", and scanned the shelf for a beginners book. He picked one out that said on the cover of the book :black magic for Demons" . "Perfect!" He blew off the thick layer of dust and opened the book.

Poe glanced over at him and saw the book, adn then smiled to herself and kept reading.

Cephas sat down next to Poe and started to read. "Chapter 1, page 1...of 5000...Ughhh.." He moaned when he saw the first page. "My brain hiurts already.."

Poe smied adn put the book down. She scooted closer to him and took the book. "here, I'll read. Tell me when you want me to stop so we can try whatever perks your fancy." she grinned mischeviously.

He nodded his head agreeingly and grinned back. "Sounds good to me as long I don't have to read it." he folded his wings together so ther weren't in his way.

Poe smiled and got onto her knees beside him. She stretched her wings out so they covered her and enveloped her, makign her a black orb on the floor. Her voice could be heard clearly from inside. Over the course of teh next three hours, Poe read from teh book, occasionaly stopping to show Cephas how to do something, then she would retreat backinot her winged space and read. Finaly, she reached the end and opeend her wings, setting the book on teh ground.

Cephas stared blank eyed at the book. "Well.." He turned towards Poe. "Why did you curl up into a ball?"

"I didn't." Poe stood up for a moment and stretched her long legs. "I don't like being watched when I read." she said softly. She sat back down, crossign her legs indian-style.

Gail appeared in a door, coughing and waving away a few cobwebs. She coughed again and stepped down the stairs. She saw Cephas and wrapped his arms around his neck and popped her foot in the air. "Oh, Cephas! I was so scared, I was looking through the mansion and got lost. I came upon a room with traps and a head on the wall!" She shivered in his arms and cuddled up to him more. "Then, I fell through a trapdoor and found my self by that door!" She pointed to the door she emerged from. "I'm so glad I found you!"

Cephas looked at Poe and mouthed an "SOS." towards her. "Well, Gail...i'm sorry you went through all that.." He released himself from her and stepped back.

She was almost at the point of tears, and she wiped her eyes with a hand. "Thankyou.." She looked around and saw the books. "Are we in a library?!" She said joyfully.

Vephas rolled his eyes and replied. "Yes this is a library, but don't touch-" He couldn't get the last words out before she leaped upto a shelf and took off 2 magical books.

Poe nodded. She stood up and released a stream of magic to the books and kncked them out of her hand. She stalked menacingly towards the girl. "That was my room you fell through." she picekd up the books and placed them on teh shelf, tehn put a charm on the entire library. She swayed for a moment from exursion, then glared at Gail."thesse books are for vampires only, Witch."

Gail glared at Poe and crossed her arms. "Whatever, bloodsucking leech."

Cephas steped towards Gail with his arm outstretched to stop Gail. But Gail slapped his arm down with her wand, and Cephas was sent to his knees.

"Thats it! I have had ENOUGH of you, Daughter of Hell!" enraged, Poe leapt at Gail, fangs and claws bared.

Gail's eyes were wide and she shrieked. "Cephas!! No!" She fell to ground writhing for her wand.

Cephas growled. "I should be enjoying this..." He leapt at the two trying to break them apart.

Gail whispered a spell and horns emerged from her body, jutting out from her skin. They pierced Cephas on the shoulder and he stumbled backwards. "Gail!"

Poe was pierced by the horns. She cried out in pain and pushed herself away, holding her pireced stomach. Blood poured out of her wound and she fell to ther knees and supported herself with her good arm. She trembled and lost her balance, falling to her side.

Cephas gasped at Poe when he saw her on the ground bleeding. "NO, Poe!!" he grabbed her and held her in his arms. He tried to muster up his powers, and execute what he learned from the books about healing. A weak red glow permeated around them and he held Poe closer to his chest.

Gail stood up and looked down at the pathetic site of Poe, and the, right now, worthless Cephas. She whispered another spell and Poe's wounds were completely healed. "She would've died with that weak aura you have, Cephas, my dear." She told him.

He looked at her, his fangs flared and eyes glaring at her, he screamed at her. "If it weren't for you she wouldn't have been hurt!"

Gail kneeled bown infront of them and caress his cheek with a hand. "Calm down sweety..."

Poe shivered and curled further into Cephas's chest.

Cephas smacked her away and she flew against a stone wall. "Stay away from her.."

Gail winced and struggled to stand.

Poe opened her eyes and looked around. She narrowed her eyes at Gail and used her magic to help her stand. Poe let out an exhausted sigh when teh magic drained her, but she struggled in vain to get Cephas to let her down.

Cain appeared out of the shadows behind Gail and grabbed her from behind in a death hold. "I think you people have way too much fun here...."

Poe managed a weak smile. "And you're missing all of it." She said weakly.

Gabriel popped out of the shadows adn nuzzled up to Poe. She absently stroked his head adn rested hers on Cephas. "what have you been up to, Cain?" Poe asked. "Any new status reports?"

Gail struggled against Cain's grip, but it only got tighter. Then she managed to choke out a spell and transported herself out of his grip.

Cephas stood, and helped Poe up as well. "Hello Cain."

Poe leaned against Cephas.

Cain shrugged and waved at Cephas. "Hello there, Did I miss anything while hunting?" He looked over at Gail and grinned "Your blood sings quite nicely, I almost wonder how it tastes."

Poe shook her head. "No. Nothing new, anyway." She siad, smirking at Gail.

Gail narrowed her eyes. "I hate being in a room full of vampires and demons. So rude!"

Cephas laughed at Gail. "They're just having some fun."

Gail glared at him.

Poe shrugged adn turned away from Gail. "I'm sorry you don't, comprehend, our sense of humor. It's rather dry and bloody, to say the least." Poe glanced back at Gail. "Do, witches have a sense of humor? I personaly think they are all speels and flirt." Poe's voice was challenging and dangerous.

Cain covered his mouth with a hand, hiding a smile. "Well, not all demons are the same you know, I just happen to be in tuned and dependent on blood cus I'm a blood demon."

“I know, Cain. Don’t remind me” Poe sighed and sank down to the floor, her eyes rolling into her head as she fell into a trance. Her skin went from pale to white, and when she opened her eyes, no color save a glowing golden color could be seen.

"Poe?" He said confused, and knelt down infront of her with his arms on her shoulders. He shook her once, but nothing. "Poe? What's hapening?!" He shook her once more and looked up at Cain. "Cain, do you know what's going on?!" His voice was scared.

Poe jsut shivered and started whispering soemthing. A circle glowed around her, and a dark tendril circled aroudn teh edges of it. It wne tup over her body and circled into a screen, which glowed. A face apeared, and it called to Cephas.

Cephas stared up at the circle and replied to the voice. "What do you want!?"

The person laughed. "Nothing, of course." It was a man on the other side, then it was a woman. It alternated between the two, before the woman won out. "I had to use this young vampire's weakend state to get to you. You are the leader of the pack, so to speak. At least that is what I felt traveling through. I am a shade without a body. I need your help to find my body. It is safegaureded in this mansion by the Fighter Pup, The healer Anya, and the Assasin Poe. It was once guarded by the shade Cykes, but he has left. My snesing his leaving has left a breach in there dfenses, which you have filled. I need your help. Will you assist me?"

He looked down at Poe. "You are not harming her by doing this?" Cephas grabbed her hand and felt the cold limb of her unconsciousness.

The woman laughed. "Only if she resists, but we overtook her mind so quickly she still thinks she is awake. She is not harmed. I repeat. Will you help us. It is past this young lady's room. It is guraded by the Acient Sleepers, Seven powerful spirits in teh stage of suspended animation guardng our body."

"You're a shade, you say? Shades never tell the truth... How do I know this isn't a trick? What's in it for me, anyway?" He asked warily.

the screen flicked as Poe let out a strangled gasp and convulsed. It l=flickered wildly and a scream went up. The shade was screaming, but it was coming out of Poe's mouth. The screen shiriveled up into a whispy tendril and tried to squirm its way into Poe. Her eyes snapped open and she managed a few starngled words. "fire... evaporates... smoke..." She let out anought strangled gasp.

"What the hell does that mean? Alright, i'll help. Wake Poe now." He waited for a responce and none came. "Poe wake up!" He was starting to get worried. "I knew those Shades were up to no good."

Poe got up, and looked at Cephas. "I am glad you will help. She is stronger than we expected." Poe's arm moved, and she rubbed her fingers together. "We do not think we want our body back. She is young. She is powerful. WE think we shall keep her."

Cephas' fangs flared and he grabbed his scythe from his back. "No, i'll find your body! Just don't take Poe. Please.."

Gail stood by his side. "Cephas, i'll help you get poe back.

Cephas nodded, "Alright, just no funny business." He looked at "Poe" and yelled at the creature holding her captive within her own body. "You better let her go!"

The shade laughed. "Why should we? She is powerful." The shade inhaled and closed its eyes. Th eyes snapped back open, staring at Cephas witha ferral look. "It looks like she craves your blood immensly, Demon." Poe walked over and ran her hand down Cepahs's cheek and placed it on his neck. the Shade purred. "Bring us to our body, and we shall consider iving you back your precious one."

"I'll do my best to find YOUR body. And If I don't get her back..i'll kill you...and her..." He said trying to restrain his anger.

The shade scoffed. "You wouldn't dare. You do not want to lose her." The shade leaned up on tiptoes adn kisses Cephas lightly on the lips. "Now find our body. We know how to find it, we need a memeber of teh mansion to get past the Sleeprs."

Cephas pulled back from the kiss. "I will do it if it means she'll be trapped in her body while you take control. I'll set her free. " He stepped back a few feet. "Let's just get going.." He said and turned towards the door.

Poe smirked and pointed to a rusted door on the other side of the room. "We feel it is that way, genius." Poe's body let out a strangled cough, and doubled over. "Don't..." Poe coughed, then the shades took back over and she straightened back up.

Gabriel clambered up Cephas's armand sat on his shoulder. "Poe is still fighting, Cephas. You may not need to kill her." said the small boy.

Cephas stared at Poe, then looked at Gabriel. If I can't find the body and they won't set her free, I will kill her. Don't worry, the Shade will leave her body when she's dead and while i'm fighting the Shade, Gail will heal poe again. Don't worry, I have thing under control. I only wish I could tell poe my plan.... Gabriel tell Gail my plan, and keep trying to reach poe! He walked towards the door and pulled at the rusted handle.

Gabriell nodded and jumped off, clambering up Gail's arm and onto her back. He told her the plan, and then stayedon her back.

The shade walked through the door and lit up the halway with magic. They led the way down the stairs til they got to a room. n the center was a coffin. Seven orbs of light floated around the coffin.

Cepas stared at thecoffin and reached out to touch an orb. "Is this it? Wow, that was easy.." He stepped over to the coffin and started to pull off the lid.

Poe lunged toward Cephas. "No! Don't do that!" But it was to late. The cavern shook. The Sleepers had awakened. The shade cursed and pulled out Poe's blades. "You should have waited on US to do it, Demon." Teh shade spat.

Cephas jumped back when Poe screamed. "What? I barely moved it!"

Poe stood dead still for a moment. A sleeper floated oer and closed the coffin and then floated abck to its original spot. Teh cavern stopped shaking. Poe shot Cephas a glare and walked over to the coffin. The shade climbed on top of it and had Poe lay face down on the coffin. The shdae chanted, and teh shade left Poe's body and circled into the coffin, seepign in through the lid. All was still. Poe did not move, but her skin was no longer the pale color of the shade's skin.

"Finally!" He grabbed Poe's body in his arms and stood there waiting for the Shades, wondering what is going to happen next.

Poe stirred and opened here eyes, then closed them and let out a shuddering breath. She opened her eyes again and saw the coffin. Her anger burned as she struggled to have Cephas put her down. “I’m going to kill them Cephas! Put me down!”

Cephas set her down on her feet, but held onto her arms. "Gail, do you know any Shade banishing spells?"

Gail frantically searched through her book of spells and stopped somewhere towards the end. "Yes! I have one!"

"Well, hurry, say it! Before they fully regenerate!" He urged her on.

"Alright, alright!" She shouted the spell, with her arm outstretched towards the coffin, and her voice echoed throughout the stone room. Everything was silent once she was finished.

Cephas rose a brow. "Is that it?" He asked discouraged. "I was hoping for an explosion.." He said disappointed.

Gail giggled and rolled his eyes at him. "Just wait, it's not done. Inside that coffin they're burning in black fire." Suddenly they heard screams, and the coffins lid blew off and the whole thing burst into a ball of black flame. "See, Cephas. You got your explosion." She crossed her arms, clearly drowning in pride.

Poe growled and struggled, leaping towards teh coffin, almost knocking Cephas over. Her irritation at being captive was evident. The cavern shook and The Sleepers awoke full force. A terrible screech rent the cavern and Poe screamed along with it, pressing her self against Cephas to try and cover her ears.

The Sleepers floated around teh room, still screaming. Then, all at once, they dove into the Shade's ball of black flames adn a blinding light filled the cavern, adn the scream intensified.

Cephas turned around and huddled over Poe, trying to shield her from the light. He pressed her head to his chest. The screams were beginning to be too much forhie sensitive demon ears, along with poe he couldn't bare it.

Gail ran over to a corner of the room and curled intpo a ball trying to avoiu the light and screams.

Gabriel jumped off of Gail's backa nd ran to the Sleepers and jumped into the coffin. His hands were glowing with a golden fire.

Poe saw Gabriel make a break for the coffin. "NO!" she screamed and tried to break out of Cephas's arms as the light knocked everyone off of their feet. Poe covered her head and her ears.

Pup ran into the room, immediately throwing shields over Poe, Gail, and Cephas before screeching "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SHADE THINK YOU ARE DOING BACK HERE IN MY CASTLE?!!!!!! I commanded long ago that you two were to be banished and that your bodies would remain under my guard. Now you pay the price for this." On a second thought, she reached out and long dark tendrils came forth to grab Gabriel out of the chaos of the dying shades.

Cain stood there silently in the doorway, amused. "Never anger the mistress of the castle, for the castle it self may turn on you under her will."

At that the room began to shake again as the floor opened, dropping the coffin with the shades, bodies, and the sleepers down into a seemingly endless chasm.

Poe opened her wings and the air caught her. She hovered above the chasm, then saw Pup, Gabriel and Gail falling. She yelled for Cephas to get Gail, then dove in to get teh other two.

Cephas spread his large black-feathered wings and dove in head first after Gail. He grabbed her by the ankle and hovered there for a moment. "Poe I'm taking Gail back up then coming back for you!" He flew back up the chasm and set Gail on the floor.

Poe shouted abck up. "I can carry more than one person, Cephas. I have wings too!!" SHe flapepd her wings and rose to the top of the chasm, then floated to the doorway, depositing her packages inside the doorway beside Gail. Poe took out her blade adn flew over teh chasm, preparing to go down adn finish off the shade.

Cephas grabbed his scythe and extended it until another blade grew on the other end. "I'm coming with you." He said and stood next to her.

Poe nodded and closed her wings, going into a free fall down teh chasm.

Cephas did the same and followed her down. "How long do you think we'll have to fall before we catch up to them?" He shouted to her, over the roaring of the wind as they fell."

Poe looked ahead and saw teh light. "Not long, I would imagine." She shouted back. She opened her wings to slow herself down, then fell back into a free fall dive.

Cephas didn't try to slow down, he wanted revenge. "There they are!" He said, and flattened his arms and legs against his body.

Poe did the same and caught up with Cephas. "Get ready." she said, fingering her blades. "Threee...>Two..." She paused, calculating. "NOW!" She released a huge amoutn ofdark energy that slammed into the Shades, which brought them to Cephas's level.

Cephas' eyes glowed dark and he blasted the Shades with fire and pushed them against the chasm wall. The coffin was torn into pieces as it hit the wall of the chasm and the body inside fell apart aswell.

Peo watched as the Shade died, smreaming. She floated close to Cepahs and wrapped her arms aroundhis wait, then opened her wings and struggled to pull the both of them away form teh Chams's bottom.

Cephas unfolded his wings to help her get them to the top.

Poe let go of him and flew quickly to teh top. She looked at Cephas. "Is your thirst for revenge sated?"

Cephas nodded. "Partially. I only wish I could have tasted their blood..." He licked his fangs longingly and followed her out of the hole.

Poe shuddered and rubbed her arms. "Shade's don't have blood." She siad softly. She floated over the chasm, looking down.

He wrapped her in a hug. "Evil creatures. It's not like we aren't, but, still."

Poe relaxed and hugged him back. "Yeah, we are the lesser of two evils."

He let go and looked into the hole. "What will you do with that hole in the ground?"

Pup sighed and sat on the ground. "Close it obviously. There was no need to go after the shades. It's impossible for anyone to get out of there once I close it." She waved her hand and the chasm closed up, leaving a floor that needed to be tiled again. "I really hate tiling this floor over and over..."

Poe went over to Pup and side hugged her. "We can go out, find new toys, and have them tile it while having fun with them." She grinned. "how does that sound, dearest?"

Pup slightly stiffened at the hug, but nodded with a smile. "Yes dearest Poe, that does sound most fun indead."

Poe grinened and clapped her hand, warping to the blood forest.

Cephas looked around and nodded his head in agreement. "Yea, i'm getting out of here..." He stepped through the portal into the Blood Forest.

back to torture rp

Username (or number or email):


2008-11-18 [Frost-:-Wing]: ok....

2008-11-18 [Rook.]: thank you

2008-11-18 [Frost-:-Wing]: I'm just tired of your butt touching me *shivers*

2008-11-18 [Rook.]: unapropriate comment, but ill let it slide. stop making me pouncey... but I'll stop *leaves*

2008-11-18 [Frost-:-Wing]: ^^

2008-11-18 [Rook.]: Are you going topost or not?

2008-11-18 [Frost-:-Wing]: Not

2008-11-18 [Rook.]: alright then.

2008-11-18 [Frost-:-Wing]: Just I will in a moment.

2008-12-05 [Eyonic]: phew *falls over tired* had to make up for falling behind

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol Nice save.

2008-12-05 [Rook.]: ^^ Lovely save indeed, Eyo ^^

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: grr Yesterday I posted my reply to Poe's last post and it disappeared.... Hey guys! I might have a pic of me up on my profile :D

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: How do ya'll like baby pictures? XP

2008-12-05 [Rook.]: REALLY??!?!?! WHERE??!?!?!?*pats head* tis okies Snow... post whenever.

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: My brother's watching power rangers again. >_>

2008-12-05 [Rook.]: nice. I WANT THE PINK ONE!!!! pics >.< Bleh. Holy Crikes! Is that you? ^.^

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: I saw those. :P

2008-12-05 [Rook.]: eye nose :P ;3

2008-12-05 [Frost-:-Wing]: lol

2008-12-05 [Rook.]: ^^

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